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Dental Implants in Greer

Dental Implants Graphic

Greer Dental Studio provides dental implant services in Greer, SC. For more information about implants or to schedule an appointment for a consultation, please call our office at 864-259-2590.

What Are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is today's most advanced type of tooth restoration. Implants feel and look just like natural teeth, providing excellent restorative and cosmetic benefits. A single-tooth implant consists of a biocompatible titanium post that bonds with your jawbone, a stainless steel abutment, and a lifelike dental crown.

The Dental Implant Process

Standard dental implants take at least a few months to install. The process starts with extracting the problem tooth. If the tooth has been missing for an extended time, you may need a bone graft to receive an implant. Bone grafts need four to six months to heal before implant installation.

To place the implant post, the dentist opens the gum and screws the post into the jawbone. The dentist adds the abutment as a cap and closes the gums. The implant will take a few months to bond with the jawbone enough to place the dental crown.

When the jawbone and post have successfully healed, the dentist can reopen the gums and attach the crown to the post.

Why Choose Greer Dental Studio?

We have created a friendly, modern office atmosphere where you can feel at home. Our compassionate, non-judgmental staff works together to provide you with optimal care. We provide many dental services in one convenient South Carolina location and treat all family members.

Benefits of Dental Implants


While the dental implant post itself could last a lifetime, the crown on top may need replacement every 10 to 15 years due to wear and tear.

Easy Care

If you have a dental implant, you can care for it just like a healthy natural tooth by brushing, flossing, and making regular dental visits.

Improves Chewing Function

People with missing or damaged teeth understand that chewing can pose a problem. Dental implants will fully restore your chewing function.

Look and Feel Like Natural Teeth

Today's dental implants are difficult to distinguish from natural teeth. Once they have fully healed, they also feel exactly like natural teeth. You can smile, speak, chew, and laugh without worrying about who will see your missing teeth.

Are You a Good Candidate for Implants?

Most patients who are missing teeth are good candidates for implants, but these criteria apply:

Healthy Gums

Ensure that you treat and control gum disease before getting a dental implant. Gum health is essential to a successful surgery.

Healthy Jawbone Mass

You can receive a bone graft if you have insufficient bone mass.

Physically Healthy Enough for Surgery

If you are in poor general health, you may not be able to undergo implant surgery. Another type of restoration, like a bridge or dentures, may be more appropriate in your case.

Single Dental Implant

Single Dental Implant Photo
Made of a biocompatible metal called titanium, dental implants are small anchors that are placed in the jawbone to replace tooth roots in the mouth. Once placed, the anchors begin to fuse with the bone over the course of a few months. After the fusing process, known as osseointegration, is complete, abutment posts are inserted into the anchors to allow for the permanent attachment of the replacement teeth.

Implant Supported Bridges

Implant Supported Bridge
An implant supported bridge is a restorative solution for spaces where three or more adjacent teeth are missing. This restoration typically requires two implants to support the bridge that provides a functional and aesthetic replacement for a patient’s natural teeth.

What are the advantages of an implant supported bridge?

Because of the natural look and feel and the functional stability provided by the implants, implant supported bridges are an effective solution to replace multiple missing teeth.

A dental implant supported bridge replaces missing teeth by placing two or more dental implants rather than using adjacent teeth as supports. Unlike traditional bridges that can weaken the healthy teeth that are used for supports, dental implants avoid putting additional stress on your natural teeth and help preserve the health and function of the surrounding bone tissue and teeth. 

Implant Supported Dentures

Implant Supported Dentures Graphic

For patients missing many or all of their teeth, implant supported dentures may be an alternative to traditional dentures. These solutions can simulate the look and feel of natural teeth and stay fixed in place with the implants acting as anchors. Using implants for retention or the support of dentures allows for a smaller and more comfortable base and less shifting of the prosthesis during use.

An implant supported denture requires the placement of four to six dental implants as “anchors” to provide a sturdier fit and minimal mobility for your denture. With implant supported dentures, there is no plate covering the roof of the mouth, so speaking and eating are more natural and comfortable than with traditional dentures. For qualifying patients, our doctors may be able to complete the removal of all teeth and the placement of a temporary arch on the same day.

Instructions Following Implant Surgery

How to Care for Your Oral Health after Dental Implant Surgery

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

Are dental implants safe?
Dental implants are safe, well-studied medical devices. They are a reliable tool for tooth replacement.
Does dental implant surgery hurt?
The surgery itself is painless, thanks to proper local anesthesia. You may experience some post-operative soreness, tenderness, and swelling.
How long is dental implant surgery?
It typically takes about one to two hours to place each implant. After placing the implants, the dentist usually waits at least six months to place the final restoration.
Can you remove dental implants?
You cannot remove single-tooth implants. You can snap certain full arch implant-supported dentures in and out for cleaning.
What happens if I do not replace a missing tooth?
If you leave a missing tooth alone, your other teeth will move. You may not believe this is a problem, but teeth could become crooked or crossed when they shift. Crooked teeth are much more challenging to keep clean than straight teeth, possibly leading to gum disease or tooth decay. You may also develop more space between teeth, which can also cause gum disease.
Will anyone be able to tell that I have dental implants?
One of the greatest advantages of a single-tooth dental implant is that it is nearly impossible to tell them apart from natural teeth. Unless you tell someone you have an implant, it is unlikely they would notice.

Call Greer Dental Studio

Dental implants can rejuvenate your smile. If you are interested in dental implants, call our office at 864-259-2590. We can meet with you and provide the information you need to decide.

Contact our office today to schedule your appointment!

455 S. Buncombe Rd. Greer, SC 29650
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